Who and what is CoreBlends? Everything you need to know about CoreBlends.

Who and what is CoreBlends? Everything you need to know about CoreBlends.

CoreBlends is a labor of love, created by Sonia Munro, an IVF warrior who was frustrated at the lack of natural, organic, effective and affordable products available on the market. Launched in August 2022, CoreBlends ethos was clear, to create self-care products that are simple, natural, effective and affordable. But what is exactly CoreBlends, what is the story behind it, how did it start, what is the products?

Let’s go back to 2010 where founder Sonia Munro was given the news that at the age of 37 years old, she was told by her doctor that she was in perimenopause. Newly engaged and eagerly looking to start a family, this news was devastating. Given less that 5% chance to get pregnant on IVF, she embarked on a five year long IVF journey. As she started her treatments, she noticed changes to her hair and skin. Hair loss, hair thinning, dry skin were the major struggles she had. Having to go through the grueling process of IVF, she also had to deal with her physical appearance changing. Afraid to use anything chemical based that may impact on her IVF, Sonia started to look at alternatives on the market for natural products to treat her dry skin and hair loss. Being a strong advocate for wellness and always having a keen interest in using completely natural remedies especially oils for healing and beauty, she started a parallel journey looking for a solution. Not able to find anything on the market, Sonia started formulating her own blends using natural oils in her kitchen counter. From 2011-2012, she started testing and doing trials on her formulations, tweaking it as she went along, testing it for its effectiveness until she developed the right blends to combat the issues she was facing. Friends and family started commenting positively on her hair and skin. She had less hair fall. Her hair started to look healthier and fuller, and her skin was hydrated. She started sharing her oil blends, realizing that this would add value to people’s self-care routine. She was thrilled at the positive feedback that she got from those using her blends and continued giving her oils away, while still juggling her full-time corporate job and IVF treatments.

In mid-2016, Sonia had the news she was hoping for. After 3 IUIs, 10 IVFS and multiple disappointments, she was finally pregnant. Throughout her pregnancy Sonia continued using her body nourishing oil blend which prevented stretch marks and dryness of her skin. She also continued to use her hair growth oil blend throughout her pregnancy and post pregnancy which contributed immensely to minimal post-partum hair loss. In January 2017, Sonia welcomed her little girl Eden Sloane to the world with much joy! She continued using her oil blends, maintaining her hair and skin health.

In 2020 when the COVID pandemic shook the world, like so many others it became a pivotal moment in time for Sonia. Up to this point she had been working in the corporate sector for most of her life. As she approached her fifties, she started to reassess her purpose in life. Her passion for wellness and championing women going through similar issues like fertility, post-partum and peri menopause/menopause was strong. She knew that she could help others and empower women to feel hope, arm themselves with the right information and look after themselves through self-care.

In 2022, she took a big leap in faith and launched CoreBlends with the encouragement, help and support of her family and friends. Sonia’s vision in creating CoreBlends was not only bringing natural, organic, effective and affordable products on the market but also having a platform to share knowledge and information about her related experiences which is extremely important to her.

Based in Singapore, CoreBlends officially launched in August 2022 with its three signature self-care products. Each product features a ‘star’ oil ingredient that is renowned for its centuries-old traditional healing and restorative properties as nature intended. All CoreBlends products are formulated with certified organic oils, responsibly sourced from around the world, with no synthetic additives or fillers. Designed to revive, restore, and repair hair and skin, particularly those experiencing side effects like skin dryness, hair loss and hair thinning from hormonal fluctuations through fertility treatments, pregnancy, post-partum, perimenopause and menopause. Whether you are struggling with existing issues like hair loss, hair thinning, dry or dull skin or just looking to maintain your current hair or skin health by adding it to your existing routine, CoreBlends is the perfect solution for you. CoreBlends is an all-inclusive gender brand and best part it is pure and natural with no nasties and is child friendly. 

Sonia is humbled and so very grateful that she is able to share her blends with everyone and knows that CoreBlends is more than a brand, it’s a lifestyle and once you understand what natural oils can do for your self-care, you will never go without our products.

 CoreBlends Organic Hair Growth Oil


Featured Ingredient: Organic Cold-Pressed Amla Oil

Amla oil (also known as "Indian gooseberry") has been used in Eastern cultures for centuries as a hair tonic. It is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and antioxidants, all of which might contribute to cellular regeneration and promote healthy circulation to the blood vessels in the scalp. Combined with coconut and rosemary oil, this leave-in treatment is packed with minerals, essential fatty acids and nourishing vitamins to lock in moisture for a healthy scalp, promoting hair circulation, restoring hair elasticity and maintaining beautiful hair.

CoreBlends Organic Marula Face Oil


Featured Ingredient: Organic Cold-Pressed Marula Oil

Marula Oil is derived from the African Marula fruit and has long been used by people in Southern Africa as a skin treatment. Light weight with great absorption, it improves dry, dehydrated skin and as a bonus, can help reverse the effects of sun damage. This standout oil has anti-aging properties that can improve the appearance of fine lines, promoting a youthful, hydrated complexion. With its anti-micro bacterial properties, this oil also makes an ideal moisturizer for acne prone skin.

CoreBlends Organic Nourishing Body Oil Blend


Featured Ingredient: Organic Cold-Pressed Moringa Oil

Moringa oil is derived from the Moringa tree of the Himalayas, dubbed the ‘Miracle Tree’. Combined with Jojoba and Sweet Almond Oil, this product is specifically for dry and dehydrated skin. Lightweight, non-greasy and rich in oleic acid and antioxidants, this oil blend helps to hydrate skin and keep it soft, healthy, and glowing.

 Click here for CoreBlends self-care products.



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1 comment

WOW 🤩 Fabulous story and wishing you Success 👍 Congratulations

Bernard Ratsira

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